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Sensors electronic circuits design projects

Sensor based electronic circuits design projects and schematics

Thermometer circuit schematic using operational amplifiers

A simple thermometer built with operational amplifiers and a normal or protective diode such as 1N4148, instead of the temperature sensor can be made using electronic diagram below.

Circuit Diagram: 
Thermometer circuit schematic using operational amplifiers
Electronic Circuits: 

Liquid detector circuit diagram electronic project

This liquid detector circuit diagram is designed using common electronic components. The liquid detector may operate an active buzzer, to make a sound when is reached a certain level of water.

Because water sensor and control circuit for buzzer are located on the same printed circuit board, indicator, together with 9 V battery and buzzer can be mounted in a compact case.

Circuit Diagram: 
Liquid detector circuit diagram
Electronic Circuits: 

Infrared detector circuit using PID20

This infrared detector circuit is designed using the PID20 integrated circuit manufactured by Siemens (which converts thermal radiation into electrical impulses), an operational amplifier and a few electronic components.
Size of the output signal of PID20 is determined by the task at pins 3 and 4.

Circuit Diagram: 
Infrared detector circuit using PID20 schematic
Electronic Circuits: 


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