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Radio circuits electronic circuits design projects

Radio circuits electronic circuits design projects and schematics various transmitters, receivers, rf amplifiers, rf boosters and other similar radio circuits.

LM1596 single sideband (SSB) suppressed carrier demodulator

A very simple single sideband (SSB) suppressed carrier demodulator circuit (product detector) can be designed using the LM1596 balanced modulator-demodulators IC .
A product detector is a type of demodulator used for AM and SSB signals.

Circuit Diagram: 
LM1596 single sideband (SSB) suppressed carrier demodulator circuit
Electronic Circuits: 

2N2222 Shortwave radio receiver circuit

This shortwave radio receiver circuit project is based on 2N2222 transistors and has an operating frequency range between 6 and 17 Mhz .
This 2N2222 Shortwave radio receiver circuit works with a short whip antenna and must be powered from an 9 volts DC powers supply.

Circuit Diagram: 
2N2222 Shortwave radio receiver circuit
Electronic Circuits: 

Low-cost FM booster circuit project

A low-cost FM booster circuit that can be used to listen programs from distant FM stations clearly can be designed using this circuit diagram.
The FM booster circuit comprises a common-emitter tuned RF preamplifier wired around VHF/UHF transistor 2SC2570 ( C2570).

Circuit Diagram: 
Low-cost FM booster circuit
Electronic Circuits: 


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