Storm detector circuit
This storm detector circuit project it's in fact an receiver tuned to 300 kHz designed to detect the crackle of approaching lightning.
To increase sensitivity of this storm detector circuit you must use a long wire antenna.
A bright lamp flashes synchronous with the lightning bolts indicating the proximity and intensity of the storm.
The flasher is biased to not flash until a burst of RF energy, amplified by the 2N4401 (Q1), is applied to the base of the 2N4403(Q2).
Adjustment of storm detector is very simple : adjust the potentiometer until the flashing is stopped .
When storm detector it's adjusted, the lamp will occasionally flash when big electrical motors or appliances switch on and off and an approaching storm will give quite a show. Adjust the pot with no antenna if lightning is nearby.
Electronic parts required by this electronic project are : L1 10mH; L2 330uH; R1 180k; R2 3.9k; R3 22k; R4 2.2k; R5 2.7k; R6 47 ohmi; C1 680pF; C2,C3 0.01uF; C4 0.005uF; C8 100uF ; C9 1uf; D1 1N914; Q1,Q3,Q4 2N4401; Q2 2N4403; R10(pot) 20k.

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Which amplifier
Is not 2n3904, is 2n4401
Lightning Sensor