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Linear and switching power supplies circuits design

Linear and switching power supplies electronic circuits design projects and schematics.

LTC3600 lab power supply circuit diagram electronic project

Using the LTC3600 lab power supply is capable to provide a maximum output current up to 1.5A . Output voltage of this lab power supply can be varied from 0 to 12 volts .
Output voltage can be external programmed from 0V to 0.5V below VIN using just one
external resistor .

Circuit Diagram: 
LTC3600 lab power supply circuit diagram electronic project
Electronic Circuits: 

LM2576 simple lab power supply electronic project

A simple lab power supply electronic project can be designed using this circuit diagram which is based on the LM2576 monolithic integrated regulator that provide all the active functions for a step-down (buck) switching regulator .
This simple lab power supply circuit diagram is designed to provide an variable output voltage between 1.2 to 35 volts at a maximum current of 3A .

Circuit Diagram: 
LM2576 simple lab power supply circuit diagram electronic project
Electronic Circuits: 

0-40V lab power supply circuit diagram electronic project using LM723 L146

A very lab adjustable power supply that can provide an output voltage between 0 and 60 volts can be designed using this circuit diagram . This lab power supply can be designed with LM723 chip or for higher output voltages, with L146 .

Circuit Diagram: 
0-40V lab power supply circuit diagram electronic project using LM723 L146
0-40V lab power supply circuit diagram components table
Electronic Circuits: 


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