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Battery charger circuits electronic circuits design

Simple and complex battery chargers electronic circuits design projects and schematics with diagrams and description for various battery type.

MAX712 charger circuit for gel cells NiMH NiCd batteries

Using the MAX712 can be designed a charger for Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) and Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) batteries .
This charger based on MAX712 chip require few external components and is easy to build .

Circuit Diagram: 
MAX712 charger circuit for gel cells NiMH NiCd batteries
Electronic Circuits: 

LT3650 monolithic single-cell Li-Ion Polymer battery charger

Using the LT3650 monolithic single-cell Li-Ion Polymer battery charger can be designed a simple charger using few electronic parts .
The LT3650 provides a constant-current constant-voltage charge characteristic and maximum charge current externally programmable up to 2A

Circuit Diagram: 
LT3650 monolithic single-cell Li-Ion Polymer battery charger
Electronic Circuits: 

Simple lead acid battery charger circuit design

For this simple lead acid battery charger we need a center tapped transformer (12V 0V 12V) which need to give a 5 amperes current ,two diodes and one capacitor.
We use 1n4007 diodes to make the dc from ac.

Circuit Diagram: 
simple lead acid battery charger circuit design schematic
Electronic Circuits: 


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