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TDA7384 class AB Audio Power Amplifier circuit design electronic project

The TDA7384 is a simple class AB Audio Power Amplifier in Flexiwatt 25 package designed for high end car radio applications.
The TDA7384’s inputs are ground-compatible and can stand very high input signals (± 8Vpk) without any performances degradation.
The input capacitor is for the low frequency cut-off and the standard value for the input capacitors is 0.1uF ( the cut-off for this value is amount to 16Hz) .
Load impedance needed for this car radio amplifier is 4 ohms .
Maximum output power is around 35W at 4 ohms load impedance for Vs = 13.7V .
For Vs=13.2V the output power is 22 W with 10% THD and 17W with 0.8W THD on the same load impedance (4 ohms).

Electronic Circuits: 
Circuit Diagram: 
TDA7384 class AB Audio Power Amplifier circuit design electronic project