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TDA7294 100 watt amp power amplifier

This TDA7294 100 watt amp power amplifier electronic project is designed to provide a maximum of 100 watt power on 4 or 8 ohms load impedance using few external electronic parts .

TDA7294 100 watt amp power amplifier circuit it's manufactured in a multiwatt package with 15 pins intended for use as audio class AB amplifier in Hi-Fi field applications (Home Stereo, self powered loudspeakers, Topclass TV) and offer a shortcircuit protection add overload thermal protection which is activated at 145 Celsius degree.
Thanks to a wide voltage range and high capability of output current this monolithic integrated circuit can give the maximum power for a 4 ohms impedance or 8 ohms impedance.
This circuit must be mounted on a heatsink ,but must be isolated form ground to prevent a shortcircuit between ground and negative voltage.

TDA7294 100 watt amp power amplifier circuit

Electronic Circuits: