555 timer Clap switch circuit electronic project
This 555timer clap switch circuit electronic project is designed using some common electronic parts . This 555 timer clap switch circuit electronic project operates from a distance of up to 10 meters from the microphone . Signal from microphone is amplified by transistors T1, T2 and T3. Diode D1 detects clap signals and the resulting positive voltage is applied to the base of the transistor T4 .
T5 transistor will amplify the output signal from the T4 transistor and will trigger the monostable multivibrator based on the 555 timer IC . The output signal from the 555 timer IC is used as a clock for a 4017 decade counter . For each successive clap T6 conducts and cuts off alternately , resulting and on of switching for the lamp . Triac used for this project can be a 8T44A or ST044 and can drive load up to 4 amp rating . The 12 volt for powering this electronic circuit project is derived directly from the mains using rectifier diode D2 and some other components like R16 and ZD1 zener diode .

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